9.14.22 | “First Aid” | Mark 2:1-12 Bible Study

Brothers and sisters, spiritual infirmity is more deadly and debilitating than physical infirmity. And spiritual health is more important than physical health.

So no matter what ails us in life, the first aid we should seek is the aid of the One with all authority. And, first and foremost, the primary aid Christ came to offer was the forgiveness of sins. He came not just for physical healthcare, but for spiritual welfare.

Sin may or may not lead to sickness. But there is no bad condition that can’t be cured by the Great Physician.

Yet, even when He heals the paralyzed man both physically and spiritually, not everyone responds positively. Make no mistake, religious people can (knowingly or unknowingly) oppose God.

And, as we see in this passage, good actions can lead to evil reactions. We must remember that rightly proclaiming the gospel and living godly often leads to persecution (cf. 2 Tim 3:12).

But again, Christ’s works confirm and validate His words and His authority. This is another manifestation or sign of the inbreaking Kingdom’s salvation and the new covenant’s forgiveness of sin.

And, as we see here, Jesus, the prophesied Son of Man (Mk 2:10; cf. Dn 7:13-14; Mk 14:61-64), brings about this healing and forgiveness in response to true faith. Faith in action. Not mere amazement, faith is active trust – often in spite of difficulties.

And this account serves as a powerful illustration. The man is bound to his bed in physical paralysis; others are bound to sin in spiritual paralysis.

But, as with the paralyzed man, all who come to Christ in faith, can be released from their sin and guilt, and freed to walk in the will of God.

Yet are we ready and willing to be like the paralyzed man’s friends? These four people carry this man to Christ. Those are some good friends right there. Because, my friends, the best thing a friend can do is help carry another to Christ.

So let’s be some good friends, and try to get others some first aid – the First Aid of the One with all authority.

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9-14-22 Mark 2_1-12 Bible Study Slides

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